Spring Data R2DBC CRUD Example

Overview: In this article, I would like to show you how to perform various CRUD operations using Spring Data R2DBC  along with Spring WebFlux. I would use Postgres in this example. If you are using H2/MySQL..etc the concept remains same. Spring Data R2DBC: R2DBC stands for Reactive Relational DB connectivity. As a Java developer, you know

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Redis Lua Script With Spring Boot

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show you Redis Lua Script with Spring Boot to execute a set of operations as a single transaction or to have some kind of constraints when you do Redis transactions. Redis Lua Script: When a client wants to execute a set of operations on Redis Database, instead

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Redis Transaction With Spring Boot

Overview: In this short tutorial, I would like to show Redis Transaction with Spring Boot. Redis Transaction: A Database Transaction is a set of operations which is either executed successfully a single unit of work or the changes are discarded in case of issues. Most of the redis commands can be grouped under get/set. All

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MongoDB Change Streams With Reactive Spring Data

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show you how to set up MongoDB Replica Sets using docker-compose and access MongoDB Change Streams with Reactive Spring Data MongoDB Template. Replica Sets: A replica set is a group of MongoDB instances that maintain the same data set. Replica sets provide redundancy and high availability. MongoDB

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MongoDB Tailable Cursor With WebFlux

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show you how to access the MongoDB Tailable Cursor or Infinite Streams with Spring Data Reactive MongoDB. This approach can help us to develop a Spring Boot application to automatically notify our users on the new records getting inserted into a collection. MongoDB Tailable Cursor: By default, when

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MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline With Reactive Spring Data

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show how to use the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline to process multiple documents and present the data in the desired format with Reactive Spring Data MongoDB Repository and MongoDB Template. Project Setup: Lets first create a simple spring boot project with these dependencies. Sample Application: Let’s consider an application

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spring data reactive mongodb

Spring Data Reactive MongoDB CRUD Example

Overview: In this article, I would like to show how to perform various CRUD Operations with Spring Data Reactive MongoDB Repository. Project Setup: Lets first create a simple spring boot project with the required dependencies like Spring Data Reactive MongoDB. Sample Application: We are going to develop a simple spring boot application for freelancers in

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Spring Boot CockroachDB Integration

Overview: Applications have become very complex & user’s expectations have changed over the years! Applications nowadays have to be resilient and fault tolerant. It is easy to scale in / out our applications when they are designed stateless. But what about Database? Database is supposed to be a stateful application! How can we scale out

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