redis pubsub spring boot

Redis PubSub With Spring Boot

Overview: In this article, I would like to show Redis PubSub with Spring Boot which can be used to broadcast messages across multiple services in a Microservices architecture. I assume you have basic knowledge on Redis + Spring Boot integration. If you are new to Spring Boot Redis, check the below article. Spring WebFlux Redis […]

reactive feign

Spring WebClient With Feign

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show you how we can use Spring WebClient with Feign to make HTTP calls in reactive manner. Spring WebClient with Feign: Spring WebClient is a non-blocking reactive client to make HTTP requests. Feign is a library which helps us to create declarative REST clients easily with annotations and

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r2dbc pagination

Spring Data R2DBC Pagination

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show you how we could achieve pagination for improved navigation of our application when we use Spring Reactive Data (R2DBC Pagination) with Spring WebFlux. Spring Data R2DBC: R2DBC stands for Reactive Relational DB connectivity. Something like JPA (Java Persistence API), R2DBC is a specification for reactive drivers for relational DBs.

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spring webflux validation

Spring WebFlux Validation

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show you Spring WebFlux Validation for validating the beans / request inputs. Spring WebFlux Validation: When we expose our APIs using WebFlux, we might have a set of constraints before accepting any request for processing. For ex: Field should not be null, age should be within the

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Spring WebFlux Redis Integration

Overview: In this article, I would like to show how we could improve the performance of our application with Spring WebFlux Redis Integration. Spring WebFlux Redis Integration: Redis stands for Remote Dictionary Server.  It is an in-memory, fastest NoSQL DB primarily used for caching the frequently used data. It also has so many other features

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spring webflux file upload

Spring WebFlux File Upload

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to show you Spring WebFlux File Upload example. Spring WebFlux File Upload: Spring WebFlux is a non-blocking web stack to handle multiple concurrent requests with minimal number of threads and scale with fewer hardware resources. It performs much better compared to Spring MVC when the application has to

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Spring Data R2DBC CRUD Example

Overview: In this article, I would like to show you how to perform various CRUD operations using Spring Data R2DBC  along with Spring WebFlux. I would use Postgres in this example. If you are using H2/MySQL..etc the concept remains same. Spring Data R2DBC: R2DBC stands for Reactive Relational DB connectivity. As a Java developer, you know

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RSocket Load Balancing – Client Side

Overview: In this tutorial, I would like to demo Spring RSocket Load Balancing on the client side. If you are new to RSocket, take a look at these articles on RSocket. RSocket With Java – Getting Started RSocket With Spring Boot RSocket Load Balancing: RSocket is a binary message passing protocol for client server application

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