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JMeter – Property File Reader – A custom config element

JMeter has many config elements to define some variables  which can be used in the JMeter test.

For example – the mostly used ones,

But we do not have one to read a user property files!!  hm..Well..that is not true exactly!!

In the JMETER_HOME/bin folder, we have a file which has JMeter specific properties to set logging configuration, HTTPClient configuration, remote host configuration etc.

The same file also has a property called in which we can mention our file path to be read to use it in JMeter. So, JMeter can actually read the user property files. Then what?  But – I do not want to touch JMETER_HOME/bin folder to read my property files every time.

Reading a user property files can also be done using Beanshell pre processors/Samplers in JMeter. However, as JMeter is open source, I wanted to create a custom config element to read the property files.   This link has the details to create a plugin for JMeter.


Property File Reader  – Config Element:	(323453 downloads	)

I maintain no of users, ramp up period, test duration, application URL & many other information for my test in the property file. So I wanted to create a simple config element to read property file instead of using a Beanshell preprocessor to make a test neat & reusable.



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