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JMeter – Tips & Tricks for beginners

JMeter is my favorite & one of the best tools I have ever used. I am glad that you too would like to learn more about JMeter. If you are a beginner, then the below given information might be useful to you.

When I started learning JMeter first, to become good at it, I used to clarify JMeter related questions in StackOverFlow. While doing so, I noticed that most of the new users have some common questions & do some mistakes. Aim of this post is to share the best practices on using JMeter.

I assume you have JMeter installed, you know how to record, playback, meaning & basic usage of some important elements like Thread Group, HTTP Sampler etc


Tip #1: Exclude Static Files


Tip #2: Use Transaction/Simple Controller


Tip #3: Use HTTP Request Defaults


Tip #4:  Add Config Elements


Tip #5:  Correlation

[Image courtesy – guru99]


Tip #6:  Thread Count Vs Loop Count


Tip #7:  Listener

It does not matter if you want to generate a Aggregate Report or Summary Report or Graph Results or any report. JMeter writes a same set of information as result in xml / csv format for all the result files.

Tip #8:  Assertion

First ask yourself – What is wrong with the application in not letting you login when you provide invalid credentials? So why do we expect JMeter should fail the request? Showing error message that credentials are invalid – is functionally right. As long as It is functionally right, JMeter will not show the fail message. JMeter decides success/failure based on the HTTP Response Code.


Tip #9:  Running the Test

jmeter -n -t testplan.jmx -l result.jtl

jmeter -n -t testplan.jmx -l result.jtl


Tip #10:  Tweaking JVM

JVM_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m" jmeter.bat




Happy Testing 🙂




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