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Selenium Docker Integration Through Jenkinsfile – Part 3 – Executing Tests Inside Docker Container


This is Part 3 of Selenium Docker Integration Through Jenkinsfile series. If you have not read the Part 1 & Part 2, I would request you to check below.

In this part, Lets see how to start a selenium grid at run time, run our automated tests and dispose all the containers after archiving the results.

Udemy – Selenium WebDriver With Docker:

TestAutomationGuru has released a brand new course in Udemy on Selenium WebDriver with Docker. 14 hours course which starts with installing docker from scratch and goes all the way up to running dockerized selenium tests on AWS cloud. Please access the above link which gives you the special discount.  You can also get your money back if you do not like the course within 30 days.


Our Goal:

Docker Network:

I assume you already have some knowledge on running selenium grid using docker. If you are not sure, I would suggest you to check here. In the article, we had used docker-compose to start all the containers and connect them to the same network automatically.

In this article, without using Docker-Compose, We will create multiple containers as shown below & they all need to be expected to be in the same network. so that they can be discovered easily by their name.

In order to connect these containers, first we need to create a network. Then we need to use the network name while starting other containers as shown here.

For example:

# creating a new network
docker network create mynetwork

# creating container for seleniumhub and chrome and connecting them to the network mynetwork
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name seleniumhub --network mynetwork selenium/hub
docker run -d -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=seleniumhub -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444 --network mynetwork --name chrome selenium/node-chrome

As shown above, We should be able to create new networks at run time with a new name every time. This might be required because the Jenkins agent/node might be already executing some tests for other reason. So we do not want to mess up with existing containers.

Whenever a Jenkins job is executed, it should be able to create its own network, create all the containers, connect them to the network and terminate later.


Volume Mapping:

As we had seen in the Part 1 of this series, our test writes results in the test-output folder. It is available within the container. So, while starting the container, we need to provide a directory in the host machine to map that as test-output directory for the container. So that whatever the test writes inside the container, we could access that in the host machine. We need this step as we need to archive our test results after the test run.


Our Jenkinsfile should have 3 stages

In Stage 2, we might be running multiple test suites in parallel. As you know we have 2 different test suites in our project. We do not want them in sequentially as it would take time. So we would run them in parallel.

In order to provide unique names to the containers every time, I would use below variables in the pipeline. Also note that we need an agent with docker. Nothing else is required.

def network='jenkins-${BUILD_NUMBER}'
def seleniumHub='selenium-hub-${BUILD_NUMBER}'
def chrome='chrome-${BUILD_NUMBER}'
def firefox='firefox-${BUILD_NUMBER}'
def containertest='conatinertest-${BUILD_NUMBER}'
pipeline {
   agent any

      stage('Setting Up Selenium Grid') {
            sh "docker network create ${network}"
            sh "docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name ${seleniumHub} --network ${network} selenium/hub"
            sh "docker run -d -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=${seleniumHub} -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444 --network ${network} --name ${chrome} selenium/node-chrome"
            sh "docker run -d -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=${seleniumHub} -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444 --network ${network} --name ${firefox} selenium/node-firefox"
      stage('Run Test') {
                  // a directory 'search' is created for container test-output
                  sh "docker run --rm -e SELENIUM_HUB=${seleniumHub} -e BROWSER=firefox -e MODULE=search-module.xml -v ${WORKSPACE}/search:/usr/share/tag/test-output --network ${network} vinsdocker/containertest"
                  //archive all the files under 'search' directory
                  archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'search/**', fingerprint: true
                  // a directory 'order' is created for container test-output
                  sh "docker run --rm -e SELENIUM_HUB=${seleniumHub} -e BROWSER=chrome -e MODULE=order-module.xml -v ${WORKSPACE}/order:/usr/share/tag/test-output  --network ${network} vinsdocker/containertest"
                  //archive all the files under 'order' directory
                  archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'order/**', fingerprint: true
      stage('Tearing Down Selenium Grid') {
          steps {
             //remove all the containers and volumes
             sh "docker rm -vf ${chrome}"
             sh "docker rm -vf ${firefox}"
             sh "docker rm -vf ${seleniumHub}"
             sh "docker network rm ${network}"

Jenkins Job:


pipeline {
   agent { label 'docker' }

      stage('Setting Up Selenium Grid') {
            sh "docker network create ${network}"
            sh "docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --name ${seleniumHub} --network ${network} selenium/hub"
            sh "docker run -d -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=${seleniumHub} -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444 --network ${network} --name ${chrome} selenium/node-chrome"
            sh "docker run -d -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=${seleniumHub} -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444 --network ${network} --name ${firefox} selenium/node-firefox"
      stage('Run Test') {
                  sh "docker run --rm -e SELENIUM_HUB=${seleniumHub} -e BROWSER=firefox -e MODULE=search-module.xml -v ${WORKSPACE}/search:/usr/share/tag/test-output --network ${network} vinsdocker/containertest"
                  archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'search/**', fingerprint: true
                  sh "docker run --rm -e SELENIUM_HUB=${seleniumHub} -e BROWSER=chrome -e MODULE=order-module.xml -v ${WORKSPACE}/order:/usr/share/tag/test-output  --network ${network} vinsdocker/containertest"
                  archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'order/**', fingerprint: true
      always {
         sh "docker rm -vf ${chrome}"
         sh "docker rm -vf ${firefox}"
         sh "docker rm -vf ${seleniumHub}"
         sh "docker network rm ${network}"


We were able to successfully start the selenium grid, running our test inside containers and terminate them all at run time. By dockerizing our automated tests, we should be able to run our tests in the cloud/AWS/Google cloud environments in no time. By using Jenkinsfile, we are able to document the complete build information in a text file and reuse. We were also able to run multiple test suites in parallel using Jenkinsfile.

Happy Testing & Subscribe 🙂


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