In this post, I would like to show you a fun project – automating google voice search using Arquillian Graphene.
This is 3rd post in our Arquillian Graphene series. Please read below posts if you have not already.
- Arquillian Graphene set up for Blackbox automated testing.
- Advanced Page Objects Pattern design using Page Fragments
Aim of this project is to see if google voice search does really work properly 🙂 & to learn Graphene Fluent Waiting API.
Test steps:
- Go to
- Then, Click on the microphone image in the search box. Wait for google to start listening.
- Once it is ready to start listening, use some talking library to speak the given text
- Once google stops listening, it will convert that to text and search
- Verify if google has understood correctly
Talking Java:
In order to implement this project, first i need a library which can speak the given text. I had already used this library for one of my projects before. So I decided to reuse the same.
import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; public class SpeakUtil { static com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice systemVoice = null; public static void allocate(){ systemVoice = VoiceManager.getInstance().getVoice("kevin16"); systemVoice.allocate(); } public static void speak(String text){ systemVoice.speak(text); } public static void deallocate(){ systemVoice.deallocate(); } }
Google Search Widget:
As part of this project, I would be modifying the existing page fragment we had created for google search widget. [the existing google search widget class details are here]
- Identify the microphone element property in the google search text box & click on it.
- Once it is clicked, google takes some time to start listening. Here we use Graphene Fluent Waiting Api. [Say no to Thread.sleep]
- We add another method to wait for google to stop listening once the talking lib has spoken the text.
- We need one more method to return the text from the search text box – this the text google understood.
After implementing all the required methods, our class will look like this
public class GoogleSearchWidget { @FindBy(id="gsri_ok0") private WebElement microphone; @FindBy(name="q") private WebElement searchBox; @FindBy(name="btnG") private WebElement searchButton; public void searchFor(String searchString){ searchBox.clear(); //Google makes ajax calls during search int length = searchString.length(); searchBox.sendKeys(searchString.substring(0, length-1)); Graphene.guardAjax(searchBox).sendKeys(searchString.substring(length-1)); } public void search(){ Graphene.guardAjax(searchButton).click(); } public void startListening(){ //wait for microphone Graphene.waitGui() .until() .element(this.microphone) .is() .present();; //wait for big microphone image to appear //this is when google starts listening Graphene.waitGui() .until() .element("spchb")) .is() .present(); } public void stopListening(){ //wait for the microphone image to hide //at this point google will stop listening and start its search Graphene.waitGui() .until() .element("spchb")) .is().not() .visible(); } public String getVoiceSearchText(){ Graphene.waitGui() .until() .element(this.searchBox) .is() .visible(); return this.searchBox.getAttribute("value"); } }
Chrome Options:
We need to add below chrome options while launching chrome – so that chrome can use the system microphone. Otherwise, it will show a popup to ‘Allow’ which will prevent us from automating the feature. We can add this in the arquillian.xml as shown here.
<extension qualifier="webdriver"> <property name="browser">chrome</property> <property name="chromeDriverBinary">path/to/chromedriver</property> <property name="chromeArguments">--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream</property> </extension>
TestNG Test:
We add a new test for this. I will pass some random text for the SpeakUtil to speak and google for search.
public class GoogleVoiceTest extends Arquillian{ @Page Google google; @BeforeClass public void setup(){ SpeakUtil.allocate(); } @Test(dataProvider = "voiceSearch") public void googleVoiceSearchTest(String searchText){ google.goTo(); //start listening google.getSearchWidget().startListening(); //speak the given text SpeakUtil.speak(searchText); //wait for google to stop listening google.getSearchWidget().stopListening(); //assert if google has understood correctly Assert.assertEquals(searchText, google.getSearchWidget().getVoiceSearchText().toLowerCase()); } @DataProvider(name = "voiceSearch") public static Object[][] voiceSearchTestData() { //test data for google voice test return new Object[][] { {"weather today"}, {"show me the direction for atlanta"}, {"magnificent 7 show timings"}, {"will it rain tomorrow"}, {"arquillian graphene"} }; } @AfterClass public void deallocate(){ SpeakUtil.deallocate(); } }
Google was able to understand mostly what talking lib spoke. However It could not get ‘arquillian graphene’ 🙁
It was really fun to automate this feature – activating microphone, letting the talking lib talk and google trying to listen etc. If you are trying to do this, ensure that no one is around 🙂 & Looks like I already got my family members irritated by running this test again and again!! So I will stop this now!
All these scripts are available in github.
Happy Testing 🙂