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Spring Data R2DBC Transaction

spring data r2dbc transaction


In this tutorial, I would like to show you how we could achieve DB transaction with Spring Data R2DBC Transaction operator & also with @Transactional.


A database transaction is a unit of work, which could be made of up of 1 or more SQL statements, which is either completed or rolled back. For example, If we consider a bank application, one customer wants to transfer money to another customer, we need to deduct money from 1 account (say A) and then we also need to ensure that we add the deducted amount to the another account (say B).

We had deducted money from account (A) and some un-handled error occurs when we add the money to the account (B) , we might leave the DB in an inconsistent state and also money we had deducted is simply vanished!! So either both operation should complete successfully or we should revert any change we had done as part of transaction.

Aim of this tutorial is to show we could do using Spring Data R2DBC Transactional operator and by using @Transactional.

Sample Application:

Lets consider a simple bank application in which the users can deposit money. As and when the users deposit money, we will update the account balance and we will also log an entry in the deposit event table. There is a business rule which confirms that minimum deposit should be $100.

Lets try to implement this.

Project Setup:

Lets set up a Spring project with the following dependencies.

create table account (
    id INT auto_increment,
    user_name VARCHAR(50),
    balance INT

create table money_deposit_event (
    id INT auto_increment,
    account_number INT,
    amount INT,
    foreign key (account_number) references account(id),
    check (amount > 99) -- business rule says there should be min $100 deposit

insert into account (user_name, balance) values
     ('Tara', 0),
     ('Daisy', 0),
     ('Fredericka', 0),
     ('Brita', 0);
public class Account {

    private Integer id;
    private String userName;
    private Integer balance;

@AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "create")
public class MoneyDepositEvent {

    private Integer id;
    private Integer accountNumber;
    private Integer amount;

public interface AccountRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Account, Integer> {

public interface MoneyDepositRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<MoneyDepositEvent, Integer> {
@AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "create")
public class DepositRequest {

    private int account;
    private int amount;

public class BankService {

    private AccountRepository accountRepository;

    private MoneyDepositRepository eventRepository;
    public Mono<Void> deposit(DepositRequest request){
        return this.accountRepository.findById(request.getAccount())
                    .doOnNext(ac -> ac.setBalance(ac.getBalance() + request.getAmount()))

    // create money deposit event from request
    private MoneyDepositEvent toEvent(DepositRequest request){
        return MoneyDepositEvent.create(


So far the set up looks good. Now lets try to access our service and deposit money. For that I am going to use Junit tests as shown below.

class R2dbcTransactionApplicationTests {

    private Resource initSql;

    private R2dbcEntityTemplate entityTemplate;

    public void initDB() throws IOException {
        String query = StreamUtils.copyToString(initSql.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        Mono<Void> mono = this.entityTemplate

void transactionSuccess() {
    DepositRequest request = DepositRequest.create(1, 500);
    Mono<Account> mono = this.bankService.deposit(request)
            .expectNextMatches(ac -> ac.getBalance() == 500)

void transactionFailure() {
    DepositRequest request = DepositRequest.create(1, 99);
    Mono<Account> mono = this.bankService.deposit(request)
            .onErrorResume(ex -> Mono.empty())
            .expectNextMatches(ac -> ac.getBalance() == 500) // no change

private Mono<Account> getAccountDetails(DepositRequest request){
    return this.repository.findById(request.getAccount())

But if I run the test, I could see that my implementation has issues. It does through the exception because of the constraint which is expected. However the account balance has increased to 599 from 500 which should NOT be.

Account(id=1, userName=Tara, balance=500)
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: executeMany; SQL [INSERT INTO money_deposit_event (account_number, amount) VALUES ($1, $2)]; Check constraint violation: "CONSTRAINT_FE: (AMOUNT > 99)"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO money_deposit_event (account_number, amount) VALUES ($1, $2) [23513-200]; nested exception is io.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcDataIntegrityViolationException: [23513] [23513] Check constraint violation: "CONSTRAINT_FE: (AMOUNT > 99)"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO money_deposit_event (account_number, amount) VALUES ($1, $2) [23513-200]
Account(id=1, userName=Tara, balance=599)

Spring Data R2DBC Transaction – @Transactional:

As you would have guessed, the problem can be easily solved by adding @Transactional on the method which does the deposit.

public Mono<Void> deposit(DepositRequest request){
    return this.accountRepository.findById(request.getAccount())
                .doOnNext(ac -> ac.setBalance(ac.getBalance() + request.getAmount()))

Rerun the same test and check the output. The tests will pass now.

Account(id=1, userName=Tara, balance=500)
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: executeMany; SQL [INSERT INTO money_deposit_event (account_number, amount) VALUES ($1, $2)]; Check constraint violation: "CONSTRAINT_FE: (AMOUNT > 99)"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO money_deposit_event (account_number, amount) VALUES ($1, $2) [23513-200]; nested exception is io.r2dbc.spi.R2dbcDataIntegrityViolationException: [23513] [23513] Check constraint violation: "CONSTRAINT_FE: (AMOUNT > 99)"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO money_deposit_event (account_number, amount) VALUES ($1, $2) [23513-200]
Account(id=1, userName=Tara, balance=500)

Limitations of @Transactional:

There are some limitations of using this annotation.

If you do not like this approach, there is another way.

Spring Data R2DBC Transaction – Transactional Operator:

We can also use Transactional Operator as shown here.

private TransactionalOperator operator;

public Mono<Void> deposit(DepositRequest request){
    return this.accountRepository.findById(request.getAccount())
            .doOnNext(ac -> ac.setBalance(ac.getBalance() + request.getAmount()))
            .as(operator::transactional) // add this

If we rerun the test, we can confirm that transactional operator ensures that it revert the changes automatically in case of errors.


We were able to successfully demonstrate DB Transaction by using Spring Data R2DBC Transaction Operator and also with @Transactional annotation.

The source code is available here.

Learn more about Spring Data R2DBC.

Happy coding 🙂


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