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Timeout Pattern – Microservice Design Patterns


In this tutorial, I would like to demo Timeout Pattern, one of the Microservice Design Patterns for designing highly resilient Microservices.

Need For Resiliency:

Microservices are distributed in nature. When you work with distributed systems, always remember this number one rule – anything could happen. We might be dealing with network issues, service unavailability, application slowness etc. An issue with one system might affect another system behavior/performance. Dealing with any such unexpected failures/network issues could be difficult to solve.

Ability of the system to recover from such failures and remain functional makes the system more resilient. It also avoids any cascading failures to the downstream services.

Timeout Pattern:

We do experience intermittent application slowness once in a while for no obvious reasons. It could have happened to all of us even for applications like In Microservice architecture, when there are multiple services (A, B, C & D), one service (A) might depend on the other service (B) which in turn might depend on C and so on. Sometimes due to some network issue, Service D might not respond as expected. This slowness could affect the downstream services – all the way up to Service A & block the threads in the individual services.

As it is not uncommon issue, It is better to take this service slowness/unavailability issues into consideration while designing your Microservices by setting a timeout for any network call. So that we could have the core services working as expected & responsive even when the dependent services are NOT available.

Make the core services work always even when the dependent services are not available
We do not want to wait indefinitely
We do not want to block any threads
To handle network related issues and make the system remain functional using some cached responses.

 Sample Application:

Lets consider this simple application to explain this timeout pattern.

Project Set Up:

Lets first create a Spring Boot project with these dependencies.

We also need this dependency.


This will be a multi-module maven project as shown below.

If the user tries to see a product, let’s say product id 1, then the product-service is expected to respond like this by fetching the ratings as well.

    "productId": 1,
    "description": "Blood On The Dance Floor",
    "price": 12.45,
    "productRating": {
        "avgRating": 4.5,
        "reviews": [
                "userFirstname": "vins",
                "userLastname": "guru",
                "productId": 1,
                "rating": 5,
                "comment": "excellent"
                "userFirstname": "marshall",
                "userLastname": "mathers",
                "productId": 1,
                "rating": 4,
                "comment": "decent"


As we have couple of services which are going to share the DTOs among them, Lets keep them as a separate module. This module will contain below classes.

@AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class ReviewDto {

    private String userFirstname;
    private String userLastname;
    private int productId;
    private int rating;
    private String comment;

@AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class ProductRatingDto {

    private double avgRating;
    private List<ReviewDto> reviews;

@AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class ProductDto {

    private int productId;
    private String description;
    private double price;
    private ProductRatingDto productRating;


Rating Service:

This service is responsible for maintaining all the product reviews. To keep things simple, I am going to use a simple Map as data base here.

public class RatingService {

    private Map<Integer, ProductRatingDto> map;

    private void init(){

        // product 1
        ProductRatingDto ratingDto1 = ProductRatingDto.of(4.5,
                        ReviewDto.of("vins", "guru", 1, 5, "excellent"),
                        ReviewDto.of("marshall", "mathers", 1, 4, "decent")

        // product 2
        ProductRatingDto ratingDto2 = ProductRatingDto.of(4,
                        ReviewDto.of("slim", "shady", 2, 5, "best"),
                        ReviewDto.of("fifty", "cent", 2, 3, "")

        // map as db = Map.of(
                1, ratingDto1,
                2, ratingDto2


    public ProductRatingDto getRatingForProduct(int productId) {
        return, new ProductRatingDto());

public class RatingController {

    private RatingService ratingService;

    public ProductRatingDto getRating(@PathVariable int prodId) throws InterruptedException {
        Thread.sleep(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10, 10000));
        return this.ratingService.getRatingForProduct(prodId);


Product Service:

Product service is responsible for providing list of products based on the user search criteria. It is one of the core services which should be up & responsive even under critical load. If it is down, it will have a severe impact on the revenue. Since this service depends on rating-service, we do not want any network issues or rating-service unavailability affect this product-service. This is where resilience4j library comes into picture.

      timeoutDuration: 3s
      cancelRunningFuture: true
      timeoutDuration: 1s
      cancelRunningFuture: false
    endpoint: http://localhost:7070/ratings/
@AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class Product {

    private int productId;
    private String description;
    private double price;

public class RatingServiceClient {

    private final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

    private String ratingService;

    @TimeLimiter(name = "ratingService", fallbackMethod = "getDefault")
    public CompletionStage<ProductRatingDto> getProductRatingDto(int productId){
        Supplier<ProductRatingDto> supplier = () ->
            this.restTemplate.getForEntity(this.ratingService + productId, ProductRatingDto.class)
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(supplier);

    private CompletionStage<ProductRatingDto> getDefault(int productId, Throwable throwable){
        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> ProductRatingDto.of(0, Collections.emptyList()));

public class ProductService {

    private Map<Integer, Product> map;

    private RatingServiceClient ratingServiceClient;

    private void init(){ = Map.of(
                1, Product.of(1, "Blood On The Dance Floor", 12.45),
                2, Product.of(2, "The Eminem Show", 12.12)

    public CompletionStage<ProductDto> getProductDto(int productId){
           return this.ratingServiceClient.getProductRatingDto(1)
                   .thenApply(productRatingDto -> {
                       Product product =;
                       return ProductDto.of(productId, product.getDescription(), product.getPrice(), productRatingDto);

public class ProductController {

    private ProductService productService;

    public CompletionStage<ProductDto> getProduct(@PathVariable int productId){
        return this.productService.getProductDto(productId);



All the services are ready. Start both product-service and rating-service. Lets access below end point.

    "productId": 1,
    "description": "Blood On The Dance Floor",
    "price": 12.45,
    "productRating": {
        "avgRating": 4.5,
        "reviews": [
                "userFirstname": "vins",
                "userLastname": "guru",
                "productId": 1,
                "rating": 5,
                "comment": "excellent"
                "userFirstname": "marshall",
                "userLastname": "mathers",
                "productId": 1,
                "rating": 4,
                "comment": "decent"
    "productId": 1,
    "description": "Blood On The Dance Floor",
    "price": 12.45,
    "productRating": {
        "avgRating": 0.0,
        "reviews": []
    "productId": 1,
    "description": "Blood On The Dance Floor",
    "price": 12.45,
    "productRating": {
        "avgRating": 0.0,
        "reviews": []

Here the rating and reviews are empty. But that is ok as it is not critical. The product itself is not available then we will have very bad user experience and could impact the revenue.




Timeout Pattern is one of the simplest Microservice Design Patterns for designing resilient Microservices. Introducing timeout solves the network related issues partially. Not fully. There are other design patterns which could handle this better along with timeout pattern.

Read more about other Resilient Microservice Design Patterns.

The source code is available here.

Happy learning 🙂

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